How To Set F5 Key For Refresh Mac


Using the first and second tab, you can select a specific function you want and click on the keyboard shortcut in front of it to remap the function to a Fn key. For example, if you want to use the F5 to turn “Do Not Disturb” on/off, simply click on the shortcut in front of it and press the F5 key on your keyboard. Aug 15, 2020 The button is located somewhere next to the 'Address Bar'. Clicking on that will make your browser refresh the webpage. Alternatively, you can refresh the feed simply by pressing 'F5' button. This works in all modern Internet browsers in Windows. If you are a proud Mac user, instead of 'F5' you need to press 'Command + R' buttons while in the. F5 Refresh Equivalent in Chrome for Mac Reloading a web page in Chrome on the Mac uses the same keyboard shortcut as Safari on the Mac, cmd + r. This includes Chrome, Chrome Canary and other Chrome developer versions. Command + R reloads a web page in Chrome on Mac.


If you recently switched from Windows to Mac, then you probably already have at least once encountered a problem – you can’t refresh the page by pressing F5 on the keyboard. What’s the matter?

How to Press F5 on Mac?

It’s simple – in macOS, another key is responsible for updating the page more precisely, a keyboard shortcut.

And which ones, you ask?

The combination Cmd + R works in all popular browsers on the Mac – not only in the “native” Safari, but also in third-party ones – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc. Tenchi o kurau psx iso zone.

Read more: Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac

How to Replace the Cmd + R Refresh Shortcut with the F5 Key Familiar to Windows?

  • Open on your Mac System Preferences -> Keyboard;
  • App Shortcuts -> Shortcuts;
  • Click the Plus sign, located under the window labeled All Programs;
  • In the drop-down menu, select your preferred browser – for example, Safari or Google Chrome;
  • In the Menu Name line, you must specify the exact name of the menu command for updating;
  • When you finished, click Add button.
  • For example, in the case of Safari, we open browser and start looking for the exact name in the menu bar it is located at the top of the screen. The desired phrase – Reload Pageis located in the View section.


Painttool sai mac. Pixelmon underwater temple. Done! Now you can refresh the page “the old fashioned way” by habitually pressing the F5 like a refresh shortcut on Mac and you no longer have to search for Cmd + R on the keyboard.

What is browser cache?

How to set f5 key for refresh macbookF5 doesn

In order to speed up web browsing, web browsers are designed to download web pages and store them locally on your computer's hard drive in an area called 'cache'. Browser cache (also know as Internet cache) contains records of every item you have viewed or downloaded while Internet surfing. So when you visit the same page for a second time, the browser speeds up display time by loading the page locally from cache instead of downloading everything again.

Although storing Internet cache makes web browser faster as it usually takes your computer less time to display a web page when it can open page's elements or even the entire page from your local Temporary Internet Files folder, You sometimes want to overrule the Internet cache, for Example to see changes you made to a webpage you just uploaded. On Refreshyourcache you can find tutorials on how to refresh the cache from your browser.

Clearing Cache Memory

To ensure you see the latest version of a site you need to clear the cache memory. This is done by doing a force refresh by pressing both control and F5 buttons simultaneously on your keyboard (depending on your browser). Most times a simple force cache refresh won't work and you need to clear the cache by hand. On this site you can find step by step guides for Chrome, Firefox 3, Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 6, Safari and more on how to refresh your cache.

How to set f5 key for refresh macbook air

Force Refresh

Someone just told you to “force reload” your browser to fix something. Depending on your operating system all you need to do is the following key combination:
Windows: ctrl + F5
Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
Linux: F5

Cache and Privacy

Internet cache can threat to your privacy as everyone who has access to your computer can see some personal information by simply opening the cache folder.
Also when the cache fills up, performance can slow down and your hard drive may run out of space.

Internet Service Provider Cache

How To Make F5 Refresh

In the same way that your web browser has a cache of recent web pages, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be doing some caching on your behalf.

In some (rare) cases, even though you are using shift-refresh to get new data from a webpage, the pages still seem to be old. This may be because your Internet Service Provider also has a cache and their cache may not be set up quite right, and they are not downloading the latest web pages.

How To Set F5 Key For Refresh Mac Screen

When you encounter this problem you will have to communicatie with your ISP to fix this problem