How Do I Get Clip Art On Word For Mac


The main reason Clip Art is no longer provided with the software is due to the trend toward electronic distribution. Users complain enough about the time involved in downloading updates (IIRC, you're one of them), let alone having 50 Gigs of media files - most of which they'll never use - clogging up their bandwidth & occupying disk space. Double-click the Microsoft Word document to which you want to add clip art in order to open it. You can also create a new document by double-clicking the Microsoft Word program icon and then clicking Blank document. 2 Click the Insert tab. My name is Jess Stratton,and this is Monday Productivity Pointers.Word 2016 for Mac is a fantastic product in itselfand a huge update from Word 2011 for Mac.Having said that, many users noticed, myself included,that we still can't insert online clip artin the Mac version of Word.This week I'm going to show you a.

There are special requirements for using clip art and stock images in APA Style papers.

  • There is no clip art library in Pages, but you can easily add images you have elsewhere on your hard drive. Go to Insert Choose. (at the bottom of the menu) & navigate to the location of the images.
  • Word Art is only available if you have MS Office or MS word. As another answer pointed out, there are alternatives (and they are free). If you have MS Office 2004 or MS Word you can access Word Art by bringing up the formatting palette, click on the arrow next to 'Add Objects' and select the icon with the 'W' on it.

Common sources for stock images and clip art are iStock, Getty Images, Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, Pixabay, and Flickr. Common sources for clip art are Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.

The license associated with the clip art or stock image determines how it should be credited.

  • Sometimes the license indicates no reference or attribution is needed, in which case writers can reproduce the image without any reference, citation, or attribution in an APA Style paper.
  • Other times, the license indicates that credit is required to reproduce the image, in which case writers should write an APA Style copyright attribution and reference list entry.

Follow the terms of the license associated with the image you want to reproduce. The guidelines apply regardless of whether the image costs money to purchase or is available for free. The guidelines also apply to both students and professionals and to both papers and PowerPoint presentations.

Although for most images you must look at the license on a case-by-case basis, images and clip art from programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint can be used without attribution. By purchasing the program, you have purchased a license to use the clip art and images that come with the program without attribution.

This page contains examples for clip art or stock images, including the following:


1. Image with no attribution required

If the license associated with clip art or a stock image states “no attribution required,” then do not provide an APA Style reference, in-text citation, or copyright attribution.

For example, this image of a cat comes from Pixabay and has a license that says the image is free to reproduce with no attribution required. To use the image as a figure in an APA Style paper, provide a figure number and title and then the image. If desired, describe the image in a figure note. In a presentation (such as a PowerPoint presentation), the figure number, title, and note are optional.


Figure 1
A Striped Cat Sits With Paws Crossed

Note. Participants assigned to the cute pets condition saw this image of a cat.

2. Image that requires an attribution

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If the license associated with clip art or a stock image says that attribution is required, then provide a copyright attribution in the figure note and a reference list entry for the image in the reference list. Many (but not all) images with Creative Commons licenses require attribution.

For example, this image of a sled dog comes from Flickr and has a Creative Commons license (specifically, CC BY 2.0). The license states that the image is free to use but attribution is required.

To use the image as a figure in an APA Style paper, provide a figure number and title and then the image. Below the image, provide a copyright attribution in the figure note. In a presentation, the figure number and title are optional but the note containing the copyright attribution is required.

How Do I Get Clip Art On Word For Mac

The copyright attribution is used instead of an in-text citation. The copyright attribution consists of the same elements as the reference list entry, but in a different order (title, author, date, site name, URL), followed by the name of the Creative Commons License.

Figure 1
Lava the Sled Dog

The sims 4 extreme violence. Cops will show up to the scene shortly after and will arrest the murderer in these conditions: -The witnesses have. Getting Arrested When a sim gets arrested they will be taken away by the cops with a helicopter and stay in a rabbit. Reporting Sims -You can report sims to the cops at any time.

Note. From Lava [Photograph], by Denali National Park and Preserve, 2013, Flickr

( CC BY 2.0.

Also provide a reference list entry for the image. The reference list entry for the image consists of its author, year of publication, title, description in brackets, and source (usually the name of the website and the URL).

Denali National Park and Preserve. (2013). Lava [Photograph]. Flickr.

To cite clip art or a stock image without reproducing it, provide an in-text citation for the image instead of a copyright attribution. Also provide a reference list entry.

  • Parenthetical citation: (Denali National Park and Preserve, 2013)
  • Narrative citation: Denali National Park and Preserve (2013)

Clip art or stock image references are covered in Sections 12.14–12.18 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition

Experiencing a Word freeze-up in the middle of working on something important is very stressful. Let’s say, you are writing your term paper seeking an answer to the question that would make the life of millions of people around the entire globe much easier and more comfortable (for example, Do Woodpeckers Get Headaches?). And in the middle of the process, when your thoughts smoothly flow from your head into the text editor; when no slightest paper help is needed from anybody; when the inspiration is overflowing; when you feel on the verge of the greatest finding in the history of humanity – dear Lord! Word just crashes or freezes. If you’ve never suffered such a tragedy, you must be the luckiest person on Earth and should definitely play lottery right about now. Otherwise, scan the text below to find out how to straighten things out and minimize the damage from such a misfortune.

How To Add Images To Word For Mac Documents - Dummies

To partly recover the document you have been working on, try printing out the screen. After that, try force-quitting the application by using the Command-Option-Esc shortcut. When the Force Quit window appears, select the app you want to abort and press Force Quit.